Tom Walsh, LCSW-C
Have you ever looked
into the eyes of love.
The eyes of a mother
Gazing into her newborn
The eyes of lovers
Greeting each other
Of a father dancing at a wedding
with his daughter, the bride
Of parents whose daughter
Just won an Olympic gold medal..
Of a wife whose husband
Has returned from combat.
Of a bridegroom seeing
His bride walk down the aisle.
Of parents watching their child
Take his first steps.
Of all of us
When we hear
I love you.
After a long wait.
Take any of those looks
multiply them
A billion times.
And it's still not enough.
Not enough to know
How much creation
Loves it's creations.
Loves us.
All the time.
Without exception.
Without condition.
No matter what.
Meditate on that love
Each day for a week.
Holding the reality
Of this immense love.
Metabolizing it into each cell.
Celebrating it with each breath.
Basking inside it
In each movement.
You will realize
That you too are a lover.
And you will give out.
All the love you took in.